At Nail Day in early November, we provide coffee, brownies, prayer, friendship and a quiet, safe space for women to be themselves. For the past two Mondays, we did not have enough volunteers to do manicures, so we improvised, adding a game table, and one-on-one opportunities for women to receive prophetic art and prayer. Despite the lack of manicures, the atmosphere was peaceful and hospitable. One could say that everything on the Lord’s heart within our scope to give was provided.
But what about socks? Our bin of donated socks reached rock bottom. I had to turn down requests for socks – sorry, we don’t have any to give.
I found my ire raising, along with my voice towards heaven: “Father God, these women need SOCKS! Is that so much to ask? You say you are good, but are you withholding? You say they are your ‘Beloveds’ but why don’t we have socks for them?!” I felt hurt and angry. I found myself crying…over socks.
Later that week, I connected with my niece Gina who operates Anabella’s Gifts, a Marin group which provides clothes, supplies and fellowship for women and their families living in shelters. “Oh” she says, “we’ve been collecting socks for the women at Nail Day,” She handed over two bulging bags stuffed with warm, cozy socks of all colors, many brand new. My eyes filled with tears, not from anger as before, but from humility and awe. God put it on these Marin ladies’ hearts to donate warm, colorful socks for women in the Tenderloin. These socks will bring comfort and hope along with the message: “Your needs matter. God cares for you. You are loved.”
The message of these socks to me? God knows my needs as well as theirs. He is inviting me to trust Him more fully. He is saying “I know them. I love them. I understand their pain, loneliness and loss. And I understand yours.” My Father owns the sock factories on a thousand hills.
During the sock crisis, I reached out to Bombas, the sock people. There was room for very few characters on the online request form I filled out: “Cold women standing in line for a shelter bed. Wet tired feet. Need socks.” A poem was birthed.
BJM Poem
The Lord knows
Tired feet standing in line for a place to sleep,
Waiting for a shelter bed off the street.
The Lord knows
Stories waiting to be told of pain, loss and abuse,
When Hope appears to be no use.
The Lord knows
Which hearts will be moved to give
A smile, a prayer or something warm.
Friendship is a place where hope's reborn.
Socks and hearts are gold on the streets.
The Bombas sock shipment came in the day of our special holiday outreach. Warm socks to go around.