“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven,” Ecclesiastes 3

Happy Fall! It’s a new season for sure. No matter how much we love a particular season and wish it would remain forever, God alone knows the time for seasons to change.
I’d love to update you about a change in my journey, as one season ends and a new chapter begins. Here are my reflections and a personal invitation to continue to pray and partner with me.
Starting this month, I’ll be stepping into full-time leadership for the Immanuel Prayer ministry in San Francisco. As part of this transition, it’s time for me to step away from being a BJM staff member.
Gratitude for BJM and its Culture
For the past four and a half years, the Lord has blessed me at BJM, giving me the opportunity to demonstrate the unconditional love of God to women who felt unseen, and unvalued. As the Lord guided me through my own personal struggles with shame and unworthiness, and I began to discover my identity in Christ, I have been able to share this victory with hundreds of women, both at BJM and within my community.
My life has been forever shaped by the amazing prophetic prayer culture of Because Justice Matters, which encouraged me to find my voice. Being part of BJM has given me the confidence to follow the Spirit’s promptings to co-labor with Him for restoration and healing.
Your generous support of my work with Because Justice Matters has helped make this transformation possible.
Holding God’s Ministries with Open Hands
Nail Day has been my passion from the first day at BJM. Week after week we experienced God’s radical, unconditional love for our guests and volunteers like me. I began 2020 with renewed vigor and plans to expand the Nail Day ministry. And then COVID. Heart-broken at first, we had to cancel our Nail Day outreaches in the Tenderloin. As of this writing, we still cannot foresee when it would be possible to safely gather to reestablish consistency with this transient population of women in the TL.
But did the Lord abandon His beloveds, now even more vulnerable and isolated because of COVID? The answer is a resounding “NO!”
While it may have seemed that God was closing the door Nail Day, He was forging effective collaboration between organizations in the TL able to meet the tangible needs of women through showers at YWAM, food packages at the Salvation Army, support groups at Glide, and meals at City Hope. Women who would have come to Nail Day in the past are being cared for by those on the front lines who are able to provide life-sustaining services and infrastructure. Seasons may change but God never does. He remains the defender of the vulnerable through a ground swell of volunteers, ministries, nonprofits, and church partners putting love and generosity in action.
Why Immanuel Prayer Now?
Through Immanuel Prayer, I’ve experienced the person of Jesus as Immanuel, “God with us.” During this time, many people of all walks of life are experiencing social isolation, anxiety, and disorientation, as plans and sometimes even hope is derailed. Yet while faith in institutions is being shaken, I believe the Lord is calling people to experience greater personal intimacy with Him. He is inviting us to hope despite these unprecedented circumstances.
During these past seven years of practice and study under Pastor Patti Velotta, I have been equipped to take the next steps of this journey of helping others know the care and comfort of Jesus in a personal, interactive way. David and I are recognized within this international ministry as Immanuel Practicum City Leaders for San Francisco, and have been certified as presenters, trainers, and proficient coaches.
My confidence and excitement has grown through literally hundreds of hours of healing prayer with women of all ages and levels of faith. Through first-hand experience with Immanuel Prayer, we have seen evidence Jesus is pouring out His Spirit on all flesh, that He hears, speaks and wants to be known. And for Him, it is personal. His sheep hear His voice and He knows them. The best news is that His living, interactive presence brings healing and transformation that our souls desperately need and long for. He is our solution and He is glad to be with us!
A New Season Begins

It is time to step into the leadership for which God has prepared me. David and I have developed a team of 16 coaches in SF, who provide Immanuel coaching under our mentorship and supervision since April. I am preparing to teach Immanuel Practicum Beginning Seminars starting this fall.
I will continue to provide Immanuel Prayer coaching and training for BJM staff, as well as provide logistical support for Ruthie Kim’s speaking and teaching ministry. Ruthie is an important role model as a female leader and preacher, and her inspiring messages are vitally important to awaken and activate women around the world.
While there is naturally some grieving as seasons change, there is also hope rising as I stand on the promise of God’s goodness and provision. I leave BJM with the blessing of my colleagues, and the encouragement of family and friends. I pray that the work that I’ve done at BJM will have lasting fruit. And I am trusting God that He is leading all of us with His sovereign hand as we seek and are released to do His will.
With a humble and grateful heart,