This Monday was a very special Nail Day. It was a reunion with dear friends; a chance to meet new friends; an opportunity to serve with beloved sisters. And it was a lasting testimony of God’s faithfulness.
Recently, the Women’s Ministry Team at BJM made the tough decision to host Nail Day once per month instead of every week. Over the summer, we learned that without enough volunteers, our ladies don’t get to experience all of the fellowship, care and celebration that the Lord has for them. This shift allows us to engage the awesome volunteers needed to do it right.
When the decision was made, I was frantic. I had seen the Lord show up week after week for over a year and a half. Without fail. He never faltered. He never missed a Monday. He was 100% predictable, meeting our team and the women every Monday between 10:30 and 5:00 PM. What now? If we did not meet every Monday, I was afraid I would not be able to find Him!
This would be like Moses not moving on to confront Pharaoh and lead God’s people through the Red Sea into the Promised Land because he refused to leave the place of the burning bush. God had shown up there. Let’s stay here where He was last seen. Or like on the mountain of transfiguration when the disciples wanted to pitch tents for Moses, Jesus and Elijah. I had seen the Lord move. How could I move on?
It sounds funny now, but this was a peculiar and personal crisis of faith for me. I never want to lose Jesus. As if I could.
Good news came after the tears. Jesus wants to be found. He knocks at our door, persistently. Deut. 31:6 God will never leave us or forsake us.
Nail day was lovely! We celebrated September birthdays, enjoyed cake, heard stories, connected with resources. Ladies experienced a break from the tough realities of the street to rest in a safe place, to let their guards down. To be cared for and to care for each other.
And I found Jesus is still 100% predictable, regardless of whether it is Monday, or Tuesday, rain or shine. Jesus is with each and every one of our ladies; He cares for them, and for me. And for you too. Very good news indeed.