Update from Malia & David: Immanuel SF Ministry House 2024
Like Spring bursting forth, the renewing power of the Holy Spirit is bursting into our everyday lives in an unstoppable way.
This past year, we’ve been able to provide a home-away-from-home in San Francisco, hosting missionaries and ministers from around the globe. They’ve come to San Francisco to preach, lead worship, for art and church events, as part of spiritual direction cohorts, and to foster vital connections. Our home has become a hub for cross-pollination as it were, as the Kingdom of God is expressed in creative and unexpected ways!
There are more details in our 2023 update as to how Dave and I became stewards of this particular flat in the Mission District, which as for years been a place of hospitality for missionaries. Through the continued generosity of supporters,* this home remains a place for rest, as well as synergy. Donations are processed through
Exciting news! David and I are planning a one-month pilgrimage to the U.K. in late Spring. As we unplug from day-to-day ministry, we hope to refresh our connection with God through prayer, beauty, and scripture. Please pray for us, as it feels a little daunting to step away from the schedule to which we’ve become accustomed.
We’d love to hear from you if you have any questions, prayer requests, or would like to arrange a visit.
Malia & David McKinney
*Donations can be processed through my Modern Day Missions link, the 501(c)3 that handles the disbursements and documents for charitable donations.

Update from Malia & David: Immanuel SF Ministry House 2023
Thank you for your enduring friendship and for being with us on this journey. As Spring begins, we are all sensing the unmistakable and deeply encouraging power and presence of God on the move in our midst!
A fresh release of the Holy Spirit is evident:
- New passion and freedom in prayer, expressed in our first 24-hour prayer and worship event in February, inspired by the 24-7 Prayer USA movement and the one-year anniversary of our Tuesday morning prayer in the Reality SF Chapel
- A re-ignited hunger for the Word of God, to edify and encourage not only in private devotion, but shared aloud in our gatherings,
- Spontaneous praise and worship events, for birthdays, on beaches, in church spaces, and homes.
Think for a moment of your own personal awakening underway, a quickening in the Spirit!
The past two years of COVID brought some challenges, including a major disruption of how community looks and operates. Nearly all of our beloved North Beach community group moved to new neighborhoods and cities across the country. As sad as we sometimes felt, we’ve seen how the Lord has orchestrated new beginnings for these precious folks, including bringing forth the next generation, born or on the way! These shifts have helped us recognize the importance of investing in the precious connections that remain, and the new ones forming.
Dave and I got a Siamese cat, and made the most of our tiny 600 sq’ apartment in North Beach. We were extremely busy online! In response to the disorientation and isolation folks were experiencing, we facilitated over 1,000 individual Immanuel Prayer sessions over Zoom, helping others connect with the person of Jesus, who is our Solution.
We also honed our coaching skills. As part of an international practicum for Immanuel Prayer coaches, we’ve each completed 100 hours of intensive training to gain advanced coaching certification. As a result, we are coming into a new season refreshed and energized to help others experience this life-giving practice, and even what is called the “Immanuel lifestyle,” an intimate, daily connection with Jesus.
When Reality/SF acquired its new building on the corner of 24th and Valencia one year ago, we both felt strongly called to help extend day-to-day ministry into the surrounding community. We longed to establish a home-base nearby to facilitate more prayer!
And now for the exciting update:
September 1st of 2022, Dave and I saw our dream realized to move to the Mission! After 10 years of serving the Lord in San Francisco, we’ve been given the opportunity to establish the Immanuel SF Ministry House in SF’s vibrant Mission District. We’ve been offered the lease on a four-bedroom flat with ample space to host small groups, times of prayer and worship, accommodate overnight guests, and for in-person Immanuel Prayer sessions.
The flat, which is owned by the Church of the Sojourners, is only a 15-minute walk to Reality/SF. Our rent actually goes to fund this discipleship community right here in the Mission. The surrounding neighborhood is home to a growing community of people desiring more of the things of God, as well as those who have not yet heard the good news.
Our new space in the Mission will serve as a gathering place to Experience Jesus through Prayer, Equipping & Hospitality. We want to help folks know Jesus, that He is alive, that He loves us, that He speaks, and wants to be experienced, not just corporately at church, but through personal encounter. He wants all people to experience the freedom that He came to give us. Jesus is Immanuel, God with us.
In this new season, we are focused on activation of the community of believers, through Immanuel Prayer and deliverance prayer specifically, as well as fellowship/hospitality. From our new home base, Malia has been facilitating a new series of international practice labs for Immanuel Prayer trainees, and is co-leading a Beginning Immanuel Seminar in April. And we’ve already hosted more people for meals and overnight accommodations in our first month here than the last 8 years combined!
This next season of expansion is also one of greater vulnerability and dependence on others.
Our hope is that a few members of our faith community will be able to come alongside us financially to establish this home as a house of prayer and hospitality. We have a handful of faithful monthly supporters and seek a few more folks who can commit to whatever amount that works for them for at least the first year, as this ministry becomes robust and impactful.
Recurring donations can be set up and processed through Malia’s Modern Day Missions link, the 501(c)3 that handles the disbursements and documents for charitable donations. Or, you are welcome to reach out to make other arrangements.
We’d also love to connect with you personally to go deeper with Immanuel Prayer!
Thank you for your friendship and support. We welcome your questions, ideas, comments and would be glad to schedule a time to connect at your convenience.
Malia & David McKinney